What To Do If Your Tooth Is Loose With Bleeding Gums
Gum disease often goes unnoticed until it's extremely far along in its destruction. If you have severe gum disease and you've just noticed that a tooth seems to be loose, you should read this guide. Your oral health and the future of your loose tooth could depend upon it.
What it Means
If your gums have been bleeding for a prolonged period of time, it probably means that you have periodontitis, an advanced form of gum disease. If your tooth is now seemingly loose, it could mean one of two things.
The less dangerous possibility is that your gums are simply so unhealthy that they've become loose and aren't supporting your tooth the way they should. Your tooth is in fact still intact and okay, but it's got some wiggle to it since it's not being held tightly in place by your gums.
The worse possibility is that your tooth has become damaged by the gum disease and is in danger of falling out. Your root may be damaged or infected, and your tooth may be on the verge of falling out as a result.
Emergency Dentist
Whether you're experiencing the worst or best outcome of prolonged severe gum disease, if you notice a loose tooth, you should get to an emergency dentist right away. Seeing a dentist immediately could mean the difference between losing your tooth or saving it. Keep in mind that installing a replacement dental implant may not be possible if you have severe gum disease, as the bone may have degraded due to infection and inflammation of the gums and surrounding tissues.
When you see an emergency dentist, they'll get to work right away to reverse your gum disease and save your tooth. Your dentist will most likely have x-rays taken of your teeth and gums and start cleaning the site right away. They'll assess the damage to your bone and tooth on the x-ray and determine from there what to do.
If your tooth is still intact and the bone hasn't degraded, your dentist will focus on reversing the gum disease. Your gums may need to be surgically repaired in order to support your tooth properly.
If the x-ray reveals that the root of your tooth has been severely damaged, a root canal will most likely be necessary. Your dentist will still take steps to reverse your gum disease as well, which may include draining the infection and injecting antibiotics.
It's entirely possible to lose your teeth due to advanced gum disease. If you think your tooth is loose, or you've just been experiencing gum disease for a long time, get to a dentist for immediate help. For more information, contact a business such as Bradley T Piotrowski DDS MSD LLC.