Correcting Routine Dental Myths
There are many different myths about dental care and treatments. Giving credit to common misconceptions can reduce your ability to make effective decisions when it comes to treating the types of issues that your teeth may experience. This makes it important to take aggressive steps to learn the truth behind some of the dental myths that are most commonly shared.
Myth: A Cavity Will Always Cause Intense Pain
Cavities can easily be the most common dental issue that patients will experience. While this is a fairly common type of issue, there are patients that will assume that cavities will always cause intense pain. Pain and discomfort are common symptoms of cavities, but it should be noted that there can be many instances where a patient may not experience significant pain from their cavities. In fact, some patients may find that they are completely unaware of having a cavity. This can be due to the cavity killing the nerve of the tooth or it not being in a position to directly impact the tooth.
Myth: Gum Disease Is Not A Serious Problem
Gum disease is another common problem that individuals may experience. Unfortunately, there are patients that may assume that gum disease is not a serious matter. However, if gum disease is not treated, it can worsen and spread. In fact, a patient that is suffering from severe gum disease might find that one or more of their teeth will be lost as a result. This can be due to the gums and bone that support the tooth atrophying. By seeking prompt treatment, the dentist will likely be able to remove much of the bacteria and diseased tissue that is contributing to these issues. Additionally, the patient may be prescribed special mouthwashes that can further help to eliminate the bacteria that may be contributing to this problem.
Myth: Broken Teeth Must Always Be Extracted
Eventually, you may have one or more of your teeth break. This can be due to an untreated cavity, biting with too much force or a strong impact to the mouth. While it is easy to assume that a broken tooth will have to be extracted. However, it may be possible for the dentist to restore the tooth with dental bonding, crowns and other procedures that are designed for teeth with severe structural damage. Unfortunately, some patients may wait for a long time before having a broken tooth treated, and this can drastically increase the risk of the tooth needing to be extracted. This is due to the fact that waiting too long can increase the chances of the tooth becoming severely infected.
Contact a family dentist, like William U Britton DDS MAGD, for more help.