Warning Signs, Risks, And Effects Of Gum Disease

If you care about your teeth, smile, and overall oral health, you may want to learn several important things about gum disease. Three good things to know are the warning signs of gum disease, the factors that affect your risk level, and the effects of failing to treat gum disease when it begins forming.

Warning signs of gum disease

Knowing the warning signs of gum disease will help you know just what to watch for in your mouth. If you see any of these signs, you should visit a dentist quickly to have him or her examine your teeth and gums to diagnose the problem. The top warning signs of gum disease are bleeding gums, swelling of the gums, and receding gum lines. If you see blood when you brush your teeth or floss, there is a problem with your gums that you should not ignore. If your gums hurt, this also indicates a problem. You should never ignore these types of signs, as they are your body's way of letting you know there is a problem.

Factors that affect your risk level

Anyone can develop gum disease, but it is more common for people who are older. It is also more common for people who smoke or for those who do not brush and floss regularly. Other factors that may put you at a higher risk for developing gum disease include pregnancy, diabetes, and medications you take. If you fit into any of these categories, you may want to visit your dentist more often than twice a year, simply because you may need extra oral care services to prevent gum disease from forming.

Effects of failing to treat gum disease

If you are in a category that makes you a higher-risk person for developing gum disease and if you have any of the signs, you should schedule a visit with a dentist. Getting treatment for gum disease quickly is essential if you want to save your teeth. If you fail to treat this disease, you may end up with chronic bad breath, a loss of teeth, and many other problems in your mouth and your body.

Taking good care of your teeth involves several key steps, such as brushing, flossing, and visiting a dentist, and these are all good ways to prevent gum disease and treat it if you develop it. If you do develop gum disease and end up losing teeth because of it, talk to your dentist about the possibility of dental implants.
