Three Things That Aren'T Ideal About Brushing With Activated Charcoal

If you're discussing dental care with a group of friends, there's a good chance that at least someone will share that he or she has heard about using activated charcoal to brush. This product has recently become popular for people who want to make their mouths healthier, but it's not without its problems. A big issue with activated charcoal is that people touting its benefits online may seem to suggest that it's a replacement for going to the dentist — which it certainly isn't. There are a handful of other things that are less than ideal about brushing with activated charcoal, including the following.

It Doesn't Repair Damage

While it may be true that brushing with activated charcoal has the potential to remove stains and bacteria on your teeth, one thing that it doesn't do is repair damage. For example, if you have a crack in a tooth, a cavity, or a sensitive area, brushing with activated charcoal isn't going to provide a remedy to any of these issues. Seeing a dentist is the only way that you can address a minor or major dental problem so that it doesn't get worse as time progresses.

It's Messy

Many people who begin to use activated charcoal to brush their teeth are quick to realize just how messy this substance is. This can make it a hassle to use, regardless of its benefits. For example, if you brush before you rush out to work in the morning, you might look down at your white dress shirt or blouse on the way to work and notice black specks of activated charcoal, which you likely won't be able to get off until you properly wash the garment. If you're messy when brushing, you may end up with black on your face, too, which can be difficult to remove.

It Doesn't Clean Your Periodontal Pockets

Activated charcoal can scrub the surface of your teeth and potentially remove bacteria from your gums, but if you've already had some tartar growth in your mouth, you need to visit a dentist. One of the areas that tartar grows is in your periodontal pockets, which is where your teeth disappear into the gums. You can't brush these areas, which means that even if other parts of your mouth are clean, tartar and its associated problems will remain in these pockets until you visit your family dentist for a thorough cleaning.

Contact a dentist, like James V Bachman DMD, for more help.
