The Feeling Is Coming Back: How To Cope With Dental Procedure Aftermath

The completion of a successful dental procedure will undoubtedly bring a sense of relief and accomplishment. The anesthetic will eventually wear off, though, and some dental patients are left with some troubling and annoying sensations in their mouths. To find out what is normal and what should be brought to the attention of your dentist, read on.

You Might Feel Some Pain

As the numbing medication wears off, you might begin to experience some discomfort and pain. In most cases, a little pain is expected and your dentist will advise you on what you should take — usually that will be over-the-counter anti-inflammatory meds. For those undergoing more extensive dental surgeries, such as wisdom tooth removal or root canal procedures, you might also be provided with a prescription for more serious pain relief. Follow the directions of your dentist when it comes to eating, drinking, and more. Food and drinks with very cold or very hot temperatures can aggravate things after a dental procedure. You probably need to avoid hard foods as well. If your pain doesn't clear up in a day or so, call your dentist. In some cases, you might be experiencing nerve pain, a faulty filling, or an infection.

You Might Feel Some Nausea

For those having more extensive work performed, intravenous (IV) pain relief may have been used to make you more comfortable during the procedure. IV pain relief is often used for dental surgeries like a root canal or tooth removal. In some, the effects of the anesthetic could include some nausea in the hours after the procedure. You might even feel sick enough to vomit. If you are still feeling sick the next day after the procedure, phone your dentist for guidance. In the meantime, go easy on the food and stick to a bland diet.

You Might Feel Numb for a Longer Time

Numbing medication is seldom a one-and-done type of thing. Depending on how long your procedure went on, you might have received numerous numbing shots. Things can take some time to get back to normal again after multiple doses of anesthetic. If you are still numb the next day, though, call your dentist. You might also experience a related problem. The numbing shots may interfere with a nerve enough to not only block the pain but to damage it. Don't worry, nerves regenerate, but be sure to consult with your dentist for help.

Most won't experience problems like the above but talk to a dentist if you have any questions.
