4 Times To See Your Dentist For An Examination And Treatment

Even if you keep your dental checkup appointments faithfully, there may be times when you need to see your dentist between visits. If you're lax about getting checkups, you should see your dentist at the first sign of an oral health problem. Getting problems treated early could mean you can prevent pain and expensive dental bills that come from neglecting your teeth. Here are four times to see your dentist for an oral check and treatment if needed.

1. When You See Blood While Brushing

Bleeding when brushing your teeth is a sign of early gum disease. Gum disease is something you don't want to ignore because it could get bad enough that you need surgery, or you could even start losing your teeth. Early gum disease can often be treated by improving your oral hygiene and having a dental cleaning done. By calling your dentist as soon as you see bleeding, you could stop the progression of gum disease and keep your teeth healthy.

2. When You Develop Tooth Sensitivity

Sensitive teeth might be caused by a cavity, but it can also be caused by a broken filling, using teeth whiteners, brushing too hard, enamel erosion, gum disease, and receding gums. Your dentist may recommend oral care products to use that are made for sensitive teeth. They might also give you fluoride treatments or seal your teeth as needed to keep you from having tooth pain.

3. When You Have A Toothache

It's a good idea to call your dentist at the first sign of a toothache. Cavities usually get worse, and your pain could get worse too, even if it clears up at times. Cavities can also cause the root of your tooth to get infected, and the treatment for that is a root canal. If the cavity gets big, your tooth might need to be pulled. It could also need a crown, which costs more than a simple filling that could fix your tooth if the cavity is caught early.

4. When Your Jaw Is Swollen

If you have an abscessed tooth, your jaw can swell and be sore. You'll probably have tooth pain too, but even if you don't, you should see a dentist if you have a swollen jaw that wasn't caused by falling or being hit. An abscessed tooth can become serious if it isn't treated since the infection might spread. This often requires a root canal to treat. You might even need antibiotics to kill the infection. An abscessed tooth might require a crown too. The alternative is to pull the tooth, but your dentist may want to save the tooth if possible.

For more information, contact a local dentist.
