Why Dental Crowns Are Used with Dental Bridges

If you are missing a tooth in your mouth and decide to have it replaced with a dental bridge, your dentist will likely have to attach it in place with the assistance of dental crowns. A dental crown is like a cap for a tooth, and dental crowns are often used to save teeth that are severely decayed. For a bridge, you will need one or two crowns, simply because a bridge cannot stand on its own.

How To Improve Your Oral Health Between Cleanings: The Foods You Eat Matter

What you eat and drink is just as important to your oral health as brushing and flossing regularly. If you already go to the dentist twice a year, then you understand the importance of keeping your teeth clean. When you suffer from problems such as bleeding gums or frequent decay, your dentist may even recommend visits every three months. You can help your teeth and gums by eating foods that help clean your teeth and by drinking liquids that don't cause harm to your oral health.

Back To School With Braces: A Guide For Teens

Going back to school when you've gotten braces over the summer can be a bit intimidating. You're not sure what your peers will think or how you'll manage to navigate the cafeteria with this extra element of food restrictions. Remember, though, that thousands of kids return to school with braces each year. They're okay, and you will be, too. Follow these tips to make the transition easier. Prepare a "braces" kit.

Tips To Help You Prepare For Your Dental Implant Surgery

If one of your teeth has recently been pulled due to an accidental break or the formation of a large cavity, then your dentist will inform you about some options to replace the tooth. Permanent solutions are best, and a dental implant is one of the strongest and most natural looking artificial teeth that you can choose. Dental implants require a surgical procedure. This is the most difficult, painful, and lengthy part of the implant process, and you will need to make some preparations for the surgery.

Summer of Swimming: 3 Dental Concerns that Might Stem from Your Backyard Pool

Having a pool in your backyard is an ideal way to enjoy the summer weather and cool off. One of the main health concerns when enjoying a backyard pool is typically sun protection, but there are also other health concerns that you should be aware off. Being aware of your dental health while enjoying a backyard pool can ensure that you stay protected through the summer. If problems do occur, then you can seek professional help from a dentist for one of the following three concerns.

Understanding Root Fractures During A Root Canal And How They Are Repaired

If you have a tooth infection that has affected the internal tooth pulp, then your dentist will need to complete a root canal procedure. Root canals are quite common. In fact, about 41,000 root canals are completed every day, and this works out to be about 15 million procedures in a single year. This means that your dentist has likely performed quite a few root canals, and there is simply nothing to worry about.

Foul Taste in Your Mouth? You Might Have Overactive Stomach Acid

If you regularly experience a foul taste in your mouth, even after using an oral rinse, you might have too much acid in your stomach. Although stomach acid, or gastric acid, benefits your digestive system and body in many ways, the acid may not be so good for your oral health. Gastric acids are strong enough to break down minerals, food, and even bacteria, viruses, and other types of germs. However, stomach acid can also break down your tooth enamel and irritate the soft tissues of your mouth and throat.

Closing Gaps Between Teeth: Bonding Versus Veneers

If you have a large gap between your two front teeth and are tired of it, you could have it fixed by a cosmetic dentist. There are two main procedures used to close gaps between the two front teeth, and these are bonding and veneers. There are pros and cons with each type, and you may want to compare the following four differences as you try to decide which option is right for you.

The Truth About Fluoride And Its Unique Abilities For Your Teeth

When you visit the dentist for a regular checkup and cleaning, one of the last things the hygienist will offer is a fluoride treatment. Fluoride is known for its ability to help your teeth stay strong and fight cavities, but do you really need fluoride for this purpose? Here are several things you should know about fluoride that may help you decide if you should use fluoride for your teeth.

Parents: Here's Everything You Should Know About Dealing With Your Kids' Loose Teeth

Children usually start losing their baby teeth when they're between the ages of five and six years old. Sometimes these teeth fall out easily while a child is eating or brushing their teeth, but sometimes they're more stubborn, remaining attached to the gum line by a tiny piece of tissue for days on end. Some parents think baby teeth should be left alone until they fall out on their own, while others still practice the old string and doorknob trick.

3 Natural Remedies To Reduce Your Toothache Before You See A Dentist

A toothache, however mild, can have a devastating impact on your day. You may be unable to concentrate in work, or you may be unable to fall asleep at night. It's understandable, then, that you would want some quick relief for this extreme discomfort to allow you to get on with your life. If you're waiting to see a dentist and don't fancy using over-the-counter medication, consider the three natural remedies listed below for reducing toothaches: