Apicoectomy Surgery: FAQs About This Endodontic Procedure

When your dentist is not able to save your decaying toot with a standard, non-surgical root canal procedure, he or she may recommend visiting an endodontic specialist for an apicoectomy. An apicoectomy is a more involved, surgical root canal procedure in which the gum tissue near the tooth is removed, allowing the endodontist to clear infected tissue away from your tooth and also remove the end of the tooth root to more effectively clear the infected root pulp from the root canals in your teeth.

Info About Your Local Orthodontist In Aurora IL

Considering looking for an orthodontist in Aurora IL? The thing that led you to seek this type of treatment could be any reason related to the positioning of your teeth. Your orthodontist in Aurora IL may start treatment at nearly any stage in life, depending on the issue and the individual. This means that an orthodontist in the Aurora area could easily treat patients ranging from pre-teens up to senior citizens.