3 Dental Crown Myths Debunked

Dental crowns don't fail or disappoint as far as comfort, convenience, and aesthetics are concerned. But unfortunately, a lot of false information about dental crowns is propagated. Such myths could discourage you or hinder your journey toward a solution for your dental problem. This article debunks three popular dental crown myths. 1. Dental Crowns Make Your Teeth Appear Unnatural One of the reasons some people believe that dental crowns appear unnatural is due to the gray line around the gum line.   Read More...

Dry Mouth And Bad Breath With Braces: What's The Cause?

Your mouth is likely to feel a little odd once your new braces are fitted. This makes sense. Each tooth has been fitted with a bracket, which directs pressure onto the tooth to gradually move it into the proper alignment. This pressure comes courtesy of the archwire that was threaded through your brackets and will be periodically tightened by your orthodontist. The physical presence of your braces is a new sensation, and so understandably feels a little odd.   Read More...

Oral Appliances For Sleep Apnea: What You Need To Know

Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders suffered by so many. Sleep apnea presents as loud snoring, but it is so much more. It can do a lot of damage to your health. Fortunately, there are some effective treatments available to help you deal with this condition. Here is what you need to know: What Does Sleep Apnea Do to Your Body? Sleep apnea is a condition in which the throat muscles collapse as you sleep.   Read More...

Want To Improve Your Family's Oral Health? 4 Reasons To Have A Family Dentist

Growing up, you may not have had the luxury of visiting your dentist regularly. But now that you have a family and would like to give them the best, regular dental visits should be a priority. However, if each family member has their own dentist, you might find it challenging to visit different dental offices and consult different specialists. Have you thought about getting a family dentist? You might want to consider this option to enjoy the benefits highlighted below.   Read More...

Your Root Canal Treatment Questions Answered

Many people have had cavities and fillings in their life. However, if you've been told you need root canal therapy, you may have a lot of questions. Root canal treatment often gets a bad rap, but it is a common procedure that is designed to prevent tooth loss. If you would like to know more, keep reading. Who Is a Good Candidate for Root Canal Treatment? Root canal treatment is designed to fix infected teeth, so your dentist will only recommend it if they find signs of infection or an abscess.   Read More...