Dental Implants And Keeping Your Smile Bright: Four Things To Know

When it comes to improving your smile, there are many different options to choose from. Dental implants can replace damaged teeth, and whitening your teeth can keep your smile bright and beautiful. However, if you want to have both dental implants and white teeth, there are a few things you need to know. Talk to your dentist, and use the following guide to assist you in your efforts to make your teeth bright and beautiful.

Think You Can Do Without Your Dental Cleanings? 4 Reasons You Actually Need Them Twice A Year

If you haven't been scheduling your dental cleanings every six months, you're doing yourself a huge disservice. You might think that brushing your teeth is good enough to keep your teeth healthy, and your smile bright. However, that's not entirely true. In addition to the brushing and flossing you do for yourself everyday, you also need to extra care and attention your teeth receive during a professional cleaning. Here are just four of the reasons why you need to have your teeth cleaned at your dental office twice a year.

Youth Athletes And Wisdom Teeth: When A Crack Requires Dental Implants

Wisdom teeth aren't necessary for a young athlete's dental health but can help maintain the shape of the face. When a youth athlete gets a cracked wisdom tooth, they may end up getting an infection that can lead to serious dental problems. Implants may be necessary for saving their teeth and avoiding more problematic situations. How Sports Lead To Broken Wisdom Teeth Any child playing sports is potentially putting their dental health at risk.

4 Things To Do After Getting Dental Implants

If you need to restore missing teeth one of the best ways to achieve this goal is by getting dental implants. This may be the most effective method for allowing you to have the teeth you need to replace. This process will involve having a titanium post put in your jawline to help hold your dental restoration in place. This may be a complicated process, and you will want to take the proper time to recover by knowing some things you can do after having this done.

3 Signs Your Child May Be Ready For Orthodontic Treatment

As a parent, you most likely understand the importance of dental care. Brushing, flossing, and having regular checkups by a dentist are necessary tasks for a healthy smile. However, certain conditions that affect the look and development of your child's teeth may arise. Considering it is most common in teenagers, you may not understand why your child's dentist is suggesting an orthodontic consultation. Early intervention, in children as young as 6 or 7 years old, is best since your child is still developing.

What To Expect From Your Teeth While Pregnant

When you're expecting a baby, you may just naturally be making healthier choices when it comes to food, activities and more. This is the time where you take your prenatal supplements, see your doctor frequently and make every effort to ensure that you give your precious unborn child every opportunity to grow and thrive. Sometimes, however, the health of your mouth gets overlooked. Being pregnant may place some unexpected demands on your dental health, so read on to learn more about taking care of your teeth and gums while you are pregnant.

A Few Causes Of Gum Disease To Consider

Gum disease is one of the most common oral ailments, and you may find yourself fighting off gum disease even if you care for your gums diligently. Well, the issue has a multitude of causes outside the ones that are directly associated with oral care. Keep reading to learn about a few so you can attend to the ailment a bit better. Heredity It may seem shocking, but gum disease can have a genetic component.

Invisalign For Teens: Is It A Good Option? How To Tell

Teenagers who need braces may be able to wear traditional braces with metal brackets and arch wires, or they can wear Invisalign for Teens. The latter is a type of invisible orthodontia that pops in and out, but still manages to realign your teen's teeth. Since most teens would prefer this option, it may be something you want to consider. However, before you tell the orthodontist to go ahead with invisible, removable, plastic braces, ask yourself the following questions.

A Guide To Common Dental Treatments For Children Who Are Competing In Beauty Pageants For The First Time

If you've been told by many people that your child is beautiful and talented and you're aware that he or she has an outgoing, competitive personality, you might have already considered enrolling your little one in a beauty pageant. Unfortunately, being naturally attractive is rarely enough to let your child walk away with the big prize. For example, even though your son or daughter has healthy teeth and gums, their natural smile might still count against them during the contest.

Restoring Your Smile By Understanding Your Options: Types Of Dental Crowns

Many people feel a great deal of anxiety when it comes to seeking out dental care. A large part of that anxiety comes from a fear of the unknown, and taking the time to make sure you educate yourself can alleviate it. When you're dealing with a seriously damaged tooth which requires a crown, it's important that you develop an understanding of what's in store. Below, you'll find a guide to some of the materials available for forming modern dental crowns.

What To Do If Your Tooth Is Loose With Bleeding Gums

Gum disease often goes unnoticed until it's extremely far along in its destruction. If you have severe gum disease and you've just noticed that a tooth seems to be loose, you should read this guide. Your oral health and the future of your loose tooth could depend upon it. What it Means If your gums have been bleeding for a prolonged period of time, it probably means that you have periodontitis, an advanced form of gum disease.

How To Prepare Your Child For A First Dental Appointment

Fears of going to the dentist begin when children are small. There's something fearful about sitting in a chair with strangers in your face along with a bright light and seeing sharp metal tools. This can cause anxiety that your child can take from their childhood all the way into adulthood -- a fear that may lead to poor oral habits later down the road. Preparing your child for a first dental appointment is important to help ease fears and anxiety.

How Dental Implants Can Work For You

Tooth problems are no joke. Not only are they painful, but tooth loss makes daily activities, such as eating and speaking, very difficult. However, sometimes compromised teeth can't be saved with fillings or crowns. In that case, one of your options for replacing the missing teeth is getting dental implants. While implants do require surgery, according to Dear Doctor the precise planning makes implant surgery relatively minor. Consider dental implants for a permanent solution to tooth loss.

3 Things You May Be Doing That Are Damaging Your Teeth

It is important that you brush and floss your teeth every day, but it is also important that you learn of things that can damage your teeth so you can prevent doing them. Below are three of these things so you can have healthy teeth. Chewable Vitamins Taking vitamins each day is a great way to stay healthy. Some people choose to take chewable vitamins because they are easier than a pill and they taste good.

The Veneer Broke Off, Now What?

Veneers are fairly sturdy dental appliances, capable of lasting 10 to 15 years when properly maintained. However, life is unpredictable, and things can happen that may cause a veneer to break off. Here's what you need to do if that happens. Immediately Contain the Damage When your veneer breaks, the first thing you must do is clear your mouth of debris; otherwise, you could accidentally swallow shards that may do damage to your throat, stomach, or intestinal organs.

What You Need To Know About Helping Your Kids Prevent Braces

Sometimes kids need braces when they have gotten all their permanent teeth but have problems with alignment or crowding. Braces are given to correct "orofacial" appearance issues. Your children may need braces no matter what you do or how well they take care of their teeth. However, sometimes braces can be prevented. Here's what you can do to help your kids avoid braces. Take Your Kids for a Check-Up and Preventative Care Every Six Months

Starting Your Real Estate Career? Invest in Teeth Whitening Before You Begin Marketing

Helping a family buy or sell a home has a lot to do with the impressions that you make. For instance, you want to make a great impression on buyers when you are working with people who are selling. It is also important to present yourself in an appealing manner to increase your chances of landing clients. Starting your real estate career can feel a little overwhelming, as there is usually a lot of competition.

Two Options For Fixing A Front Tooth Gap

Not long ago, there used to be a terrible stigma attached to having a front tooth gap. These days, however, they're seen as a cute and unique facial feature. Still, if you prefer to close your front tooth gap, there are a number of ways it can be done, depending on how large the space is. Here are two options that may be right for you. Veneers If the gap is fairly small and you don't have an issue with diastema in other areas of your mouth, an easy way to fix it is to have veneers installed over the teeth.

The Importance Of Seeing A Dentist Regularly To Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Has it been quite some time since your last dental visit? If it has been longer than six months, you may want to consider scheduling an appointment with the dentist. There are several reasons why it is important to go to the dental office. You might brush regularly, but that does not necessarily mean you would be able to identify certain problems with your teeth until those problems start to get worse.

What To Expect: How Aging Can Impact Your Teeth

As you get older, your mouth can begin to show its age. The wear and tear of daily use of your teeth is going to have an impact, and over the years they will begin to show it. Not only will this have an impact of the cosmetic value, but it can also result in painful tooth pain. The following are some things you can experience if you are not taking proper care of your teeth as you age:

Clear Aligners Can Be The Way To Go For Better Looking Teeth

If you have crooked or gapped teeth and you have been going back and forth with the different types of treatment options you have available to you, then you will have a lot to consider. You may have been thinking of getting wire braces, but you probably don't like the idea of going around with the wires and brackets on your teeth that will get in the way. Braces are very obvious in your mouth.

3 Ways Your Dentist Knows If You Need A Root Canal

There are times when you may know that one of your teeth needs major work, but it's more common to find out you need dental work simply from visiting a dentist. Dentists are trained to locate and fix problems with teeth, and one type of procedure that is sometimes needed to fix a tooth is a root canal. A root canal is not a highly-desired procedure by patients, but it is often the only way to save a tooth, and here are three ways your dentist will know if your tooth needs this procedure.

How A Dentist Will Reduce The Pressure Concerns Of A Cantilever Bridge

If you want to have a single tooth physically replaced in a permanent manner without having to go through surgery, then a bridge may be a good option over a dental implant. Bridges are typically three part devices that are bonded together. A full tooth, or pontic, sits in between two crowns. However, there are some cases where a solid a tooth is not present on either side of the missing tooth. When this happens, something called a cantilever bridge can be constructed.